Thursday 31 March 2016

Spring Sprung Sprang

Spring has finally sprung. Finally.
In my head, it's truly spring when it's warm enough to leave the back door open all day.

As a part of biology homework, we were all given a broad bean to grow. There's no point beating about the bush but my first one died, in fact I'm pretty sure it fermented after sprouting as when I finally tipped it out, it smelt sweet.

So as my family are into growing veggies, we have a seed box and so I was determined to get a bean to grow. With a large jam jar filled with slightly damp kitchen roll, I put two varieties of broad bean on opposite sides next to the glass, a pea between them on one side, and a runner bean on the other. Watching them grow and change each day is surprisingly amusing, the pea is the most reactive and now has an extensive root system, stem and leaves and is out the top of the jar. The runner bean seems to have forgotten the laws of plant hormones that say roots grow downwards and instead has grown sideways, in fact now over the broad beans to either side. Last night, it too reached the top of the jar. One broad bean seems dead, the root end is black and yet each day it is definitely longer. the other has managed to lift itself upwards on its root, and seems to be about to join the race to the top of the jar. As peas and runner beans are climbers, I thought of a way to get round the issue of them having nothing to climb. Chop sticks. I have celotaped chop sticks to the rim of the jar next to each of the two climbers. A cocktail stick of guidance needed to be used to encourage the runner to not in fact grow into the celotape but there we go.

Why not grow a bean or a plant, it's quite amusing, and you don't even have to take it for walks!

All the best,

Bea x

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Never forget why you're working

Everyone has an ambition, a thing they want to do one day.

Today me and my family went to the zoo, it couldn't have been more of an incentive to put the work in for my exams. The idea that one day I could be working somewhere like that, or abroad fighting for their conservation and survival. So many beautiful animals who are so threatened by the effect of mans' action on the world. Below are a few of my favourite photos from today.

Find your thing, find your inspiration and go for it! Anyone who tries to knock you down simply shrug off - your future is controlled by you, not outside factors or other people. Maybe even listen to a little Fight Song by Rachel Platten, or a bit of Motown? Both just radiate positivity!

All the best,

Bea x

Monday 28 March 2016


I now have a Facebook page to make it easier for people to keep up with what I'm posting!
Check it out here:

All the best,

Bea x

Student Loans - Not so scary after all!

So I just finished applying for my student loan, it’s very early I know, haven’t even accepted offers yet but from the scare stories of people not getting their maintenance money through until mid-October, I was determined to get it done early on.

From how it was presented to us in college, I thought it was going to be far more complicated and scary to do than it actually was. With the option to save and continue, it’s easy to do sections at a time rather than all in one go, and gives you time to think about it. I found the hardest section to answer was who to put as my extra contacts! They've clearly put a lot of thought into how they've set out the website, making it truly accessible for people. Even reading through the terms and conditions (which I actually did for a change) was clear and understandable, not using overly complex language, designed to confuse as is so often the case. Explaining how we repay it and when is reasonable and again, easy to understand.

Overall, I’d give the .gov website a big thumbs up! Maybe I won’t end up broke after all!

All the best,

Bea x

Personal Statements - PS are BS

Personal statements are horrific.

That is the truth through and through. Nobody enjoys writing them, I highly doubt anyone enjoys reading them, and more often than not, they seem to be ignored. My personal statement took around 8 drafts, being sent back and forth between my tutor, secondary school tutor, parents, and biology mentor, as well as myself. Even after all of this, there are still whole sections I’d love to change but I think that’s a common feeling about a piece. I worked on it for MONTHS!

And yet, one of my universities gave me an offer within 18 hours… factoring in that this was over night and even admissions staff need to sleep, I find it hard to believe that they actually looked through all of my references, attendance and personal statement, rather than just predicted grades and going on that.

However, I have heard it said that admissions tutors can tell a lot from someone’s PS. If you’re applying for medicine but have a biology based subject as a backup, but all through your PS you talk about your love for medicine, helping people and interest of the human body, it’s not a very subtle hint to the AT that their course isn't your top choice, and will often be rejected simply due to your lack of interest for their subject. In the long scheme of things, I see this as pretty justified, no teacher wants to teach a classroom full of students who don’t want to be there!

One of the hardest bit of the PS is 4000 characters, and the nightmare that is the inconsistency between how word processors count characters, versus how the UCAS website counts characters. I can recommend doing some background research googling the dos and don’ts of writing your PS. The one major point I will emphasise here (so as not to just repeat everyone else entirely) is that I find it hard to believe that you “have had a passion for chemical engineering from a young age” or “as long as I can remember”. It’s just not true, and we all know it!

Get your friends to help you, those who have known you for several years or so are likely to be aware of what work experience you've done, or what skills you have which make you perfect for the course which you simply wouldn't think of! Don’t be scared to print it off now and then and annotate it, absolutely pick it apart, rearrange it even, aim to get that page as colourful as the revision that you would be doing, if you didn't have to do this, would be.

Keep your head up, and try not to repeat the same word too many times (I'm a sucker for doing that so sorry in advance!)

All the best,

Bea x

Sunday 27 March 2016

To Oxbridge, or not to Oxbridge

Growing up, watching a lot of University Challenge, and believing what the media had told me, I had been given the impression that going to one of the Oxbridge universities should be a goal in life. When I began looking at universities in the autumn of AS (first year of college) I was instantly disappointed that simple due to getting 2 too few A* grades at GCSE (needed 5), I had no chance of applying to Oxford to study Biology. Later, looking through the course content, my dismay soon went as the areas covered are not, in my opinion, the best bits! During this year, I applied for a Sutton Trust Summer School, although I did not get in, I was offered a place on the Experience Cambridge programme, which ran as two days, a month apart where we were to research a question in our groups, communicating through their online portal.

Visiting Cambridge really gave me an insight into what I wanted out of a university. Yes, the buildings are beautiful, however when we moved between buildings, I did not like the masses of tourists - being stared at as though we were attractions, and having grumpy professors try and barge pass thinking that we too (as we were a group of 3 girls clinging together in the busy street) were also tourists. I am aware that many other city based universities, are not nearly as full of tourists, however from this, I chose to only apply to campus based universities. Having grown up visiting Southampton University almost every year, I am definitely biased towards campus based!

At Cambridge, I was looking at studying Natural Sciences, which there is a very broad course. At my college, you have to decide in the summer (even before results) which college you want to apply to, and for what course - I didn’t enjoy this added pressure at all. Another thing to consider with universities that my Cambridge experience flagged up to me, was the possibility of cooking for yourself. All of the accommodation at Cambridge is catered, it really reminded me of a posh boarding school, which I think is why it becomes such a cliché. As someone who went to a big secondary school (300 per year) and a massive college (2000 per year) the idea of going into a college where there are only 200 people in total I found quite daunting, especially seeing as much of the socialising is done within these colleges. When I was there I visited Kings College (image below) and Corpus Christi, both of them beautiful architecture and gardening. I must add though, that we all agreed that it was as though you could feel the pressure already on you, before we had even looked at applying.

From this event, I am still friends with several of the people I met here, however none of them are going to be heading there in the Autumn. Seeing friends who did choose to apply for Oxbridge, has in truth made me thankful that I did not go through that process. All of the extra forms, extra paperwork, separate application and so on, as well as an earlier UCAS entry date. This is without even factoring in the nightmare of entrance exams.

If you think you can take the stress, let alone get the grades, go for it! At the end of the day they are brilliant universities and I know of several people who have loved both. A really important thing though is to not apply just because it’s Oxbridge, and if you’re lucky enough to get an offer, don’t feel obliged to go just because it Oxbridge.

At the end of the day, you need to choose somewhere you’ll be happy!

All the best,

Bea x

Saturday 26 March 2016

Lights, Camera, Action

So this, in theory, is going to be my tips for surviving student life.
6 months from now I will (in theory) be studying Biology at The University of York, by reading my posts it will give you a little insight into the reality of not only applying to university, but hopefully (so long as I do too) how to survive it. I'm currently in 6th Form College in the run up to the fateful A level exams...
Some weeks may be a tip of revision, or what I've been cooking or wondering, by no means expect any kind of continuity, I will try and keep it light-hearted though!

I hope you enjoy your journey with me, or at least that this can be something I look back through in years to come.

All the best,

Bea x