Sunday 21 August 2016

University Bound

So, you’ve got into Uni, now what. Well actually there’s quite a lot you need to sort out, this is my checklist so far:

1.       Check your place is confirmed, your uni should email you with a conformation email which will be followed up by a welcome pack.
2.       Complete Enrolment. For some unis this is done online before you arrive, for mine we even have to upload a photo for our ID cards.
3.       Your Accommodation. If you had a conditional offer (which you have reached so creds to you!) then it is likely that now is the time you will find whether you have got into university owned accommodation if you chose to apply. Check if there is a deposit you need to pay, and keep an eye out for a confirmation/accept button, otherwise you may lose your spot
4.       Log into Gov.UK to double check how much maintenance loan you are entitled to. It is also super important to log into here as this is where you will find how much money is getting put into your bank account and when. This will be mega useful when it comes to paying for accommodation.
5.       Find out how much your accommodation is going to cost, and when you have to make payments. Some unis do it all by direct debit, others can be made over the phone so this is worth checking now, well before the payment will be due.
6.       Start looking on Facebook for flatmate groups. For example, if you know you’re in P block, floor 3, search for a group called Your University P Block 2016-2017.
7.       Check out the score on WiFi. At some places it is free, but others it may cost you so remember to factor that in when thinking where your money is going.
8.       Start to think about what to take with you, some places offer bedding packs which saves the hassle of transporting duvets and pillows in the car so look into that. This is my list of essentials so far:
·        Cooking Kit (Big pan, small frying pan, spatula, colander, spoon, knife, fork, cup, mug, wooden spoon etc.)
·        Toiletries (Shampoo, Conditioner, Shower Gel, Face Wash etc.)
·        First Aid Kit (Plasters, pain killers, cough medicine) – when you’re ill or bleeding, you don’t want to have to catch a bus to go get such things
·        School Clothes – almost every uni will have a back to school themed evening at some point in the first term
·        Comfy Clothes – you are at uni to learn, yes to have fun but no one wants to be sat in a 2-hour lecture feeling super uncomfortable just because they’re wearing something fashionable, that said, onesies might not be a great idea!
·        Mementos – maybe a photo frame or collage, or just a teddy. Everyone ends up missing home after a while and you’re going to want some kind of comfort

I hope this helps a little if you’re feeling a bit lost in it all, and if you didn’t get in this year, it really isn’t the end of the world. I know so many of my parent’s friends with impressive careers with no degrees so don’t ever think it will limit your success.

All the best,

Bea x