Sunday 8 May 2016

17 Days to go...

As the title suggests, I have 17 days until my first exam, resitting Statistics 1. This post is all about
how I prepare for an exam...

Past Papers: doing whole papers gives you a good representation of your final grade in that paper, by looking up the grade boundaries you can get even more clarification. Also by doing past papers you can learn how the examiner will be reading your work and what points they will be looking for, using this knowledge you can learn how to set out your work in the easiest way for them to see you have done the work for each mark.

Posters: any formulae you need to learn that are struggling with, write the formulae on a piece of paper, clearly and large, and put it in an obvious place in the house, every time you go past, read it and gradually it will sink into your brain.

Flash Cards: Again with tricky formulae, writing them onto flash cards means you can carry them with you to revise on the go, such as the bus to school or college. Key facts or grammar points also fit nicely onto flash cards, try not to make them too full though or it becomes a chore to read them through.

Write it out: This is kinda included in the points above but writing out the key phrases over and over really cements them into your brain. It's just like learning spellings in primary school, the muscle memory in your hand will know what to put as soon as you see that awful question that comes up in every paper.

Eat: Many people forget to eat properly and regularly when they are concentrating on revision. Without proper nutrition, your body is gonna have to work overtime to function. Feed your brain, a great revision snack is a chopped up carrot, or a pot of raisins. Both are full of vitamins to help you power through.

Water: Your brain is 75% water! The average person doing light exercise should be drinking about 2.5L a day. Keeping yourself hydrated makes you feel better and focus better.

But most importantly of all...
Relax: Find your way of unwinding, sudoku, jigsaw, read a book, colouring, working out, minesweeper, or going for a walk. A way away from Wifi is the best, think about why you're really scrolling through Facebook, getting away from notifications is not only good for your eyes from staring at screens but I find it also reduces my stress levels.

Take a deep breath, and smash that exam!

All the best,

Bea x

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