Saturday 8 October 2016

What I've learnt at Uni so far

Hello again,

Haven't posted in a while but been a little preoccupied with going to Uni. I'm at the University of York and it is fab. Here is my list so far of what I have learnt already...

1. Napping is important.
2. You can go to lectures on no sleep
3. Introduction lectures are boring
4. Go out for the whole of freshers if you can make it
5. Freshers flu is real
6. Food is cheap up North
7. Donner Kebab Pizza
8. Cook 4 persons of food and freeze the rest - home-made ready meals
9. Take water to lectures
10. Don't expect the heating to be consistent between buildings
11. No one gives a s*** if you go to lectures in trackies and a hoodie
12. You will definitely meet someone who is desperately trying to reinvent themselves, but the real them keeps poking through
13. Whatsapp - easiest way to prevent awkwardness in groups where some people aren't on Facebook
15. Drinking Game: Jammin by Bob Marley - every time he says Jammin, you drink.
16. Jager Bombs
17. Ask second years where the cheap drinks are
18. Get as much as you can at freshers fair (I got 14 pens, 1 sharpie, a whole bag of various sweets, giant marshmallow, free pizza, 4 key rings, 3 lanyards, 2 rubber men, tissues, wristbands etc.)
19. No one bothers with heels for a night out, cobbles and stilettos just don't mix
20. Make a lot of lists, it's the only way you'll know whats going on

There will be more student friendly recipes coming soon but until then...
All the best,
Bea x